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Explanation of Selected Psalms. In Four Parts. Part 1: Blessed is the Man. Priest Daniel Sysoev. (На английском языке)

Explanation of Selected Psalms. In Four Parts. Part 1: Blessed is the Man. Priest Daniel Sysoev. (На английском языке) - Священник Даниил Сысоев

Издатель :  Daniel Sysoev Inc. / New Jersey
Гриф ИС / Благословение :  ИС
ISBN :  978-5-4279-0069-2
Год выпуска : 2018

Объем :  123 стр.
Размеры (см) :  17X12
Тип переплета :  интегр. (тонкий картон)
Бумага :  Офсетная
Вес :  0.105 кг.

Артикул :  25480

ЦЕНА: 126 р 210 р
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1597 начиная с 09.03.2019
Explanation of psalms 1, 2, 5, and 54. This book examines the issues of human happiness, the royal path, eternal life, a personal relationship with the Creator, and prayer for one’s enemies. “The Psalter is suitable for any good work. If you are despondent, in the Psalter you will find relief; if you seek deliverance from the wound of sin, the Psalter will cure your wound; if sin has become a habit, the Psalter will cut off from you the sinful growth.” Saint Basil the Great
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