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How often should one commune? Priest Daniel Sysoev. Deacon Georgiy Maximov (на английском языке)

How often should one commune? Priest Daniel Sysoev. Deacon Georgiy Maximov (на английском языке) - Священник Даниил Сысоев, Священник Георгий Максимов

Гриф ИС / Благословение :  ИС
ISBN :  978-5-4279-0019-5
Год выпуска : 2014

Объем :  120 стр.
Размеры (см) :  17X12
Тип переплета :  интегр. (тонкий картон)
Бумага :  Офсетная
Вес :  0.11 кг.

Артикул :  23829

ЦЕНА: 76 р 99 р
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1011 начиная с 07.03.2019
Every Christian gives thought to the question of how oft en one should commune. In asking the advice of various priests, one may hear opinions that discourage frequent communion by the laity, or on the contrary one may be advised to approach the Holy Chalice as oft en as possible, especially on holy days. In certain churches it has been the practice since Soviet times not to commune parishioners on Pascha and Bright Week. But what does the Church say about this? What canons and rules exist to determine the frequency with which the faithful take part in the sacrament of Holy Communion? The is booklet explains the necessity of frequent communion, presenting the reader with detailed supporting arguments from the works of the Holy Fathers and the church canons.
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