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The Law of God. Priest Daniel Sysoev (на английском языке)

The Law of God. Priest Daniel Sysoev (на английском языке) - Священник Даниил Сысоев

Издатель :  Daniel Sysoev Inc. / New Jersey
Гриф ИС / Благословение :  ИС
ISBN :  978-5-4279-0027-0
Год выпуска : 2016

Объем :  543 стр.
Размеры (см) :  25X18
Тип переплета :  7А (твердый матовый)
Бумага :  Офсетная
Вес :  0.99 кг.

Артикул :  23833

ЦЕНА: 550 р 714 р
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This new edition of The Law of God will serve for the enrichment of catechists and professors of various schools. Many textbooks, including the venerable work by Archpriest Seraphim Slobodskoy, have become dated primarily in terms of the language used. The old phraseology needs to be expanded and explained in contemporary language—a need that has been met in this work by Father Daniel Sysoev. To choose the proper wording is to fi nd the key to the heart of the reader. Such was the goal of the late author of this book. Father Daniel spent ten years laboring at its creation, working on it until the fi nal year of his life, constantly redoing and rewriting individual passages. And yet The Law of God is not the fruit of the labors and eff orts of one man, for in the fi eld of catechesis it is impossible not to draw on the expertise of the holy fathers and, above all, Holy Scripture. Upon opening this book the believer will fi nd himself in the catechetical school of Father Daniel, will hear his living voice, and will delve into the profound inner world of this talented priest, Christian author, exegete, and missionary. Archpriest Oleg Stenyaev.
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