What is the Priest to Live On? Priest Daniel Sysoev (на английском языке)

What is the Priest to Live On? Priest Daniel Sysoev (на английском языке) - Священник Даниил Сысоев

Издатель :  Daniel Sysoev Inc. / New Jersey
Гриф ИС / Благословение :  ИС
ISBN :  978-5-4279-0064-7
Год выпуска : 2016

Объем :  158 стр.
Размеры (см) :  17X12
Тип переплета :  интегр. (тонкий картон)
Бумага :  Офсетная
Вес :  0.125 кг.

Артикул :  23837

ЦЕНА: 120 р 200 р
Наличие:  мало
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1804 начиная с 08.03.2019
A common point of contention in society is that of supporting the clergy and the temple financially. Frequently one hears the opinion that the Church should provide everything completely free of charge, taking no money for anything from candles to private services, and that the priests themselves should ideally support themselves by working outside jobs. What is the proper response to this opinion? The answers to this and other questions are found in this book.
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